Our Services

Optimized & Industry-ready Solutions

For All Your Complicated Needs

We build products that fulfill your needs. 

 We can offer a customised package of Services to meet your specific project requirement and can offer to you a basket of Services comprising the following:

  • Feasibility study
  • Conceptual planning
  • Discussing Options available and selecting the appropriate option based on Life Cycle Costing
  • Design Basis Report
  • Detailed planning and working drawings
  • Quantity take offs and finalisation of BOQ’s
  • Finalising technical specifications and budgets
  • Issuing tenders, Pre-bid & Post-bid meetings, techno-commercial evaluation, recommending appropriate vendors
  • Approval of Shop Drawings, issue site clearances
  • Site visits for Design review and Quality checks
  • Assistance during Testing and Commissioning
  • Performance Review with respect to Design intent / DBR.
  • Assistance with Operations and Maintenance
Our Innovations

Industry Focused Products!

  1. Preparation of Preliminary Scheme with Basis of Design.
  2. Preparation of cooling loads estimates after receiving Architectural / Structural Drawings with Orientation / Door / Window Schedule & Operating Pattern.
  3. Selection of Equipment, preparation of Schematic layouts & identification of Space requirements. 4. Preparation of Ventilation & Air-conditioning Schemes after coordination with interior layouts.
  4. Preparation of Tender Documents with conditions of contract, schedule of quantities and specifications including preliminary cost estimates.
  5. Identify contractors and technical assistance in finalising the various vendors / contractors.
  6. Checking the contractor’s shop drawings & approval for execution of works at site.
  7. Site visits to co-ordinate the works, quality checks and certification of measurements.
  8. Getting ‘As Built’ drawings made and setting SOP’s.
  9. Validation of Design intent with actual results obtained by way of commissioning & post- commissioning reports.
  10. Assistance in operation and maintenance, bench marking for operations including power consumption, conducting lectures / training for operations staff, specifying logs, charts etc. for maintenance diagnosis.
  11. Design of IBMS (Integrated Building Management System) & MMS (Maintenance & Measurement System) with appropriate logs, alarms, history, reports for proper operation, energy monitoring & maintenance scheduling.
  1. Calculation of daily domestic water requirement.
  2. Preparation of preliminary design report with conceptual design basis & preliminary cost estimates.
  3. Design of water supply system diagram.
  4. Design of cold-water piping, external / internal waste & sewage piping, internal piping for toilets.
  5. Design & layout of external sewage system with sewage treatment plant & re-cycling the treated effluent for irrigation & cooling towers makeup.
  6. Selection of sanitary fixtures & fittings for each individual toilet.
  7. Designing of Rainwater Harvesting System.
  8. Preparation of Tender Documents with Special Conditions of Contract, Technical Specifications, Schedule of Quantities, List of Approved Makes / Materials etc.
  9. Identify specialist contractors and technical assistance in finalising the vendor (if required)
  10. Preparation of schematic & working drawings to enable the contractor to prepare shop drawings before execution of work at site.
  11. Intermittent site visits to check the quality of work / to give any clarification related to design.
  1. Design of Fire Protection System with underground static water storage requirement as per NBC / Indian Standard Codes / Local Fire Authority requirement. The Fire Protection System shall consist of external & internal hydrant system as required for different areas.
  2. Design and layout of external / internal hydrant system.
  3. Layout of fire extinguishers as per requirement.
  4. Preparation of Tender Documents with Special Conditions of Contract, Technical Specifications, Schedule of Quantities, List of Approved Makes / Materials etc.
  5. Identify specialist contractors and assistance in finalising the vendor / works to be awarded (if required) 6. Preparation of working drawings based on Local Fire Authority requirements.
  1. Design of Analogue Addressable Fire Alarm System using detectors / call points / annunciation system hooked up to main panel.
  2. Preparation of Tender Documents with special conditions of contract, technical specifications, Schedule of Quantities, List of approved Makes / Materials etc.
  3. Identify specialist contractors and technical assistance in finalising the vendor / works to be awarded. (if required)
  4. Preparation of working drawings based on TAC requirements.
  5. Intermittent site visits to check quality of works / to give any clarifications related to design work.